CHCCS411C Work effectively in the community sector, and CHCHC311C Work effectively in home and community care

CHCCS411C Work effectively in the community sector, and

 CHCHC311C Work effectively in home and community care

Assessor is to use this cover sheet to record the results of all the assessments in these units.
Assessment Tasks Outcome
CHCCS411C Work effectively in the Community Sector, and
CHCHC311C Work Effectively in Home and Community Care
Student ID:

Student’s Name:

Assessor’s Feedback
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student, along with the assessment results and feedback.  A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.  Please complete the table above.
Tasks included in this assessment:
Assessment Tasks
Satisfactory/ Not yet satisfactory
Assessor’s Signature
Re-submission Satisfactory/ Not yet satisfactory
Short-answer questions
Assessment 1

Case study 1
Assessment 2

Case study 2
Assessment 2

Case study 3
Assessment 2

Case study 4
Assessment 2

Case study 5
Assessment 2

Research activity
Assessment 3

Assessor’s Feedback

Assessor’s name & signature…………………………………………………………..

CHCH311C Work Effectively in Home and Community Care
CHCCS411C Work effectively in the Community Sector
Student ID:

Student’s Name:

Assessment Instruction
To achieve a competent result for this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the assessment requirements listed below. Your trainer/assessor will give you the timelines when these assessments need to be submitted.
Assessments for these units are as follows:
Assessment Number
Type of Assessment
Description and location
Assessment 1

Short Questions
These are 40 short questions found in this booklet.
 Assessment 2

Case study

There are five case studies in this booklet. You are required to answer the questions that follow each case study.
Assessment 3
Research activity
There is one research activity in this booklet. Follow the instructions given.
Assessment 4
Personal journal
Each student is to keep a journal of their daily activities while on clinical placements.
Assessment 5
Workplace observation
Each student will be expected to cover some aspects of this course at the workplace. Your assessor will give you more details.

Assessment 1 - Short questions
1.        It is important to maintain confidentiality of your clients in line with the policies, procedures, regulations and codes of practice of the organisation you work for. Give two ways how you can do this.

2.        It is important to understand that your clients have rights and responsibilities, even as you do as an aged care worker. What are your client’s rights and responsibilities? What are your rights and responsibilities as a worker? Give three examples of each.
Rights of client:

Responsibilities of client:

Rights of aged care worker:

Responsibilities of aged care worker:

3.         As a carer, you will come across conflicts of interest.
a. Briefly explain the meaning of ‘conflict of interest’.

b. Give an example of a ‘conflict of interest’.

c. What would be the procedure if you became aware of a conflict of interest?

4.        Every organisation should have a policy and procedure regarding communication. Name two reasons why a Communication Policy & Procedure would be necessary in a workplace.

5.        Aged Care has two models of service delivery: Residential care & HACC. Briefly explain what each of these does, and then explain the relationship between the two.
Residential Care


Relationship of the two services

6.        As a carer, it is important that we respect workers from other services. Briefly explain why it is important that we respect workers from different services in the community services sector.

7.        Explain two ways how you can gain and maintain awareness of current issues influencing community work and/or service delivery, including issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

8.        Give two ways you can demonstrate in your work a sense of commitment to the underpinning values and philosophy of the community services sector.

9.        Aged care workers are paid by a certain award set by the Government. True or False

10.     Where would you go to clarify information in the following circumstances?

a. If you were unsure what your tasks for the day were 

b. Whether you can give information about your client to their next-door neighbour 

11.     There are four standards and 44 outcomes that are used in Aged Care Accreditation. Refer to Appendix 1 – ‘Accreditation Standards for Aged Care’. Name two of the standards and two expected outcomes for each. Explain how they apply to your work in aged care.

a.)    Standard _______
Two expected outcomes:

b.)    Standard _______
Two expected outcomes:

12.     List three ways that clients in the workplace can ensure a commitment to access and equity?

13.     A carer should always work within their scope of practise. Briefly explain what is meant by the term ‘scope of practise’. How would you find out what your scope of practice is?

14.     In the aged care sector, there are issues that require mandatory reporting to the police and issues that you would report to your supervisor.

a) Give an example of issue that you would report to your supervisor and another that would require reporting to the police. 

Reportable to Supervisor:

Reportable to Police:

b) Community services also include working with children. Who is/are mandated to report cases of suspected or witnessed child abuse in Victoria?

15.     We will often have to put aside our own personal values, beliefs, emotional issues and attitudes in order to provide the appropriate care for our clients. Give an example of when you may have to do this.

16.     You are working as a carer for a large organisation. You decide that you want to do some extra study and are not quite sure what is available.

a)   Who might you ask for help with this question?

b)   Where might you look for information on courses that are available to you?

c)   What steps would you have to take in order to apply for a course?

d)   What is the importance of updating and maintaining your skills in any job?

17.     Every care worker needs to identify & prioritise their work goals in accordance with organisational policies and procedures. True or False

18.     A performance appraisal is a review which includes self-evaluation & discussion of an employee's performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. It requires staff to evaluate their own work performance, supervisors to assess the staff member and then a meeting between the parties to discuss areas for improvement, further training required, as well as the staff member’s strong points. These are usually conducted after your probationary period of work and annually thereafter.

a.)       Why is this process important?                  

b.)       Should you accept feedback non-defensively? Why? 

c.)       What are some other ways you can get feedback?

d.)      If a co-worker let you know that you were completing a task the wrong way, what would you do?

19.     Name three Acts that applies to working in the community services sector.

20.     Every support care worker is expected to make suggestions for continuous improvement at their workplace in accordance with organisational policies and procedures. True or False 

21.     There are many policies and procedures in the workplace which sometimes need to be changed and updated. If you have identified a policy that requires updating or changing, how would you go about letting the appropriate person know?

22.     Where would you find information on relevant organisational procedures, policies, awards, standards and legislation?

23.     Employees & employers have rights and responsibilities and a duty of care towards all stakeholders. True or False

24.     People have many differences. They may be cultural differences or differences based on a person’s age, gender, social upbringing or even disability. Explain one such difference and what adjustments you may have to make to achieve your work goals.

25.     Briefly explain the following terms:
·          Duty of care

·          Legal responsibilities

·          Organisational goals

26.     If you noticed that your fellow staff member was not wearing the correct PPE (personal protective equipment, such as gloves when handling infectious waste) whilst attending to clients’ needs, what would your course of action be?

27.     What would be the procedure for disposing of infectious waste materials?

28.     Briefly explain the duty of care of each of the following:


Assessment care management

29.     Give an example of a cultural and religious issue you may encounter when providing care in a person’s home and how you would work around this.


What would you have to do?


What would you have to do?

30.     You will find people have different attitudes to things such as cleaning, food and personal care. Give an example of where this may differ using the situations below.

Differences between family members

Gender roles

Cultural practices

Religious requirements

Motivation to retain independence/capacity

31.     Explain the importance of showing respect for your clients and others in your work practices.

32.     Why is it important to follow policies and procedures in relation to the following?

Travel (both with and without clients) in your car:  

Storage of equipment:

Maintaining client records:

33.     Why would it be important to understand the role and function of your organisation and the role you play in this?

34.     Our home and belongings are important to us, just as they are to our clients. Why do you think this is?

35.     Circle the correct answer/s. (For online students, delete the incorrect answers.)
Basic home fire safety includes knowledge of:
a)      Behaviour that may contribute to fire injury and/or fatality
b)     High fire risk groups
c)      Optimum placement of smoke alarms
d)     Referring client for smoke alarm installation and maintenance
e)     Role of a working smoke alarm
f)       Smoke alarm testing and cleaning
g)      Types of smoke alarms
h)     All the above

36.     There are many legal and ethical implications of working in a Home and Community Care setting. Name one of each.



37.     It is important for a carer to have safety as number one priority especially when it comes to client care. What could be a potential threat to personal safety?
a. Challenging behavior
b. Not reading communication book
c. Sexual harassment
d. Visitors coming to client’s home
e. Not taking regular breaks
f. All of the above

38.     As a carer, you have a role to observe any changes in the work environment or client behaviour and report or initiate action within your own area of responsibility, to address any potential workplace hazards. Name four issues that you need to take action and report on.

39.     Give one reason why it is important for all healthcare workers to maintain a high level of personal hygiene, dress standard and work practices according to their organisation’s manual handling and infection control requirements and how they can do this.

40.     Briefly explain why PPE should always be used in accordance with standard precautions.

41.     List three standard precautions that community service workers should always follow.

Assessment 2 – Case studies
Consider the following case studies and answer the questions that follow each.
Case Study 1
You have just been introduced to a new staff member at your organisation with whom you will be working. This staff member is a young Thai man who is in his mid-20s. This brings back memories of having your wallet stolen in Thailand when you were there on holidays a couple of years ago. Having your wallet stolen caused you a lot of trouble at the time.
When you meet the man, you tell him about your holiday and how you believe that Thailand is unsafe and that although most Thais are Buddhists, they are mostly very greedy people and that all Thais are poor and all they want is money. Other staffs also hear you talking and a family member of one of your clients is also nearby and can hear what you are saying.
You find out the next day that the man has requested not to work with you and a complaint has been lodged about the comments that you have made.
a.                Why do you think did the man request not to work with you?

b.                How were policies and procedures NOT followed in this communication?

c.                If you found out that you had offended the man, how could you have gone about resolving any issues of interpersonal differences or conflict?   

d.                What could a workplace do to make sure that all workers develop their communication skills according to the diversity of the workers’ cultural backgrounds?

Case Study 2
Nina is a supervisor at a counselling service. The service is short of relief/casual staff, and so the coordinator has requested that some of Nina’s staff work double or triple shifts, often on their own.
Workers are covered by an award that specifies minimum breaks between shifts and provisions for time off. Nina recognises that this practice goes against the award and that the health of her staff may be put at risk. She believes that this is unethical and has to think about her options for reporting and/or dealing with it in some other way.

a)                What should Nina do about this situation?

b)               What are employee rights in this situation?

c)                What are employer responsibilities in this situation?

d)               If the staff did work double or even triple shifts because the coordinator asked them to and an accident occurred because staffs were tired from not having adequate time off, who would be responsible?

e)               What are the coordinator’s legal responsibilities in this instance and what may be the consequence?

Case Study 3
Michael is 40 years old. He is the primary carer of his 69-year-old mother, Susana, who has a number of health complications. Michael is travelling interstate and you have been asked to do a respite this weekend. You gladly accept. 
Facts about this scenario:
·                  Michael takes you around the house before he leaves for interstate and points out the smoke alarm, the fire blanket, the fire extinguisher, doors and their keys.
·                  He informs you that Susana is a heavy smoker and a deep sleeper.
·                  There is only one phone in Susana’s room.
·                  You have your mobile phone and it is working.
·                  Susana has a hearing impairment as well as a failing sense of smell.
·                  Her vision is perfect though.
·                  There is a gas heater in the lounge room and Susana is on oxygen therapy.
a.                Name at least three things that you need to check to ensure the safety of yourself and Susana before you retire for the night.

b.                Suggest how you would communicate with Susana if a fire broke out in the middle of the night, considering she has a hearing impairment as well as a failing sense of smell.

Case Study 4
Georgia is very excited. It is her first day at her new job, working as a Home and Community Care worker with Sunnyside Home Services. One week ago, she attended an induction/orientation session and it was explained to her what her roles and responsibilities would be. She was given information regarding the location of policies and procedures and was asked to read and make sure that she understands it all. She was also given explanation about her salary and what award she falls under. She was also told in case she wanted more information on awards that she could talk to the Human Resource department or read from Fair Work Australia. If Georgia is unsure of anything, she must ring and check with her supervisor.
Her first client is Mrs Burton, who is to receive help with showering, dressing and changing her bed linen at 9am.
Neatly dressed in her uniform, with her name badge clearly visible, Georgia arrives at Mrs Burton’s house at 9am and knocks on the door. She waits for Mrs Burton to answer, then introduces herself, explains that she works for Sunnyside Home Services and lets Mrs Burton know that she is there to assist her this morning. She then asks if this is okay.
When Mrs Burton lets her in, Georgia notices that Mrs Burton has a small dog that keeps barking and is very excited at the new visitor. Georgia loves dogs and asks Mrs Burton what breed of dog it is. Mrs Burton immediately warms to Georgia and begins chatting about ‘Fido’ and what good company Fido is, especially that she is on her own since her husband passed away five years ago. Georgia can see that Mrs Burton loves ‘Fido’ very much. Georgia listens attentively and shows Mrs Burton that she is interested by asking lots of questions.
Georgia asks Mrs Burton if she is ready to shower and remembers from reading Mrs Burton’s care plan that Mrs Burton prefers to sit in the shower on a ‘shower seat’. Georgia asks Mrs Burton to show her where the bathroom is, so that she can prepare any equipment before starting.  Georgia sees the ‘shower seat’ and notices that one of the legs of the seat is partially broken. She explains to Mrs Burton that it is unsafe and that she must not use it. Georgia remembers from the care plan that Mrs Burton is able to stand up in the  shower if needed, so she explains  that  today she will have to assist Mrs Burton this way and that she will arrange with her supervisor to have a  new ‘shower seat’ the next time  she visits.
When Georgia finishes assisting Mrs Burton with her shower, she then assists Mrs Burton to get dressed. Mrs Burton tells her that she is now having trouble fastening her buttons, whereas before she could manage this on her own. Georgia makes a mental note to let her supervisor know of this change as soon as she is finished.
Georgia asks Mrs Burton where the clean linen is kept and sets about preparing to change the linen on Mrs Burton’s bed. Georgia notices that Mrs Burton has soiled the sheets, so she puts on gloves to remove these.
Once finished, she asks permission to sit on the sofa with Mrs Burton to have a chat, but Fido won’t stop barking and seems like he may bite. Georgia asks Mrs Burton if she can put Fido outside while they chat, concerned that Fido might bite her. Mrs Burton puts Fido out and begins to tell Georgia about how she misses her husband. She also tells Georgia that her children often visit so this makes her happy. Georgia tells Mrs Burton that she must leave as she has another appointment but that she will be back in two days’ time to assist again.    
Georgia completes her time sheet and travel log later that day and emails this to her supervisor.
Georgia catches up with a good friend later that day and chats about how she enjoys her new job. Her friend asks her about Mrs Burton and what her house is like, but Georgia explains that she must keep confidentiality of her clients and that she is unable to tell her friend any details.

(a)      How was Georgia made aware of her roles and responsibilities?

(a)      If she is unsure of anything, what must she do?

(b)     Where can Georgia get information about the award she is under?

(c)      How does Mrs Burton know who Georgia is and where she is from when she meets her for the first time?

(d)     In what way does Georgia establish a positive relationship with Mrs Burton?

(e)      What does Georgia notice about Mrs Burton that needs to be reported to her supervisor?

(f)       How does Georgia show respect for Mrs Burton’s belongings?

(g)      How does Georgia maintain confidentiality?

(i.)      What documentation does Georgia fill up on completion of her work?

(h)     Who does Georgia give this information to?

Case Study 5

As Rose was putting the washing in the machine, James’ children turned up to visit him. James asked that Rose not vacuum today, that she just swept the floor, because it would be too noisy. Rose respected James’ choice and swept and washed the floor. Rose went to clean the bathroom and found that the only cleaning product was bleach. It is stated in the workers’ handbook that she is not allowed to use bleach. James insisted that is all he has ever used and that is what he wanted her to use, and all the children agreed. Rose decided to go and prepare lunch, when James asked her if she could cook lunch for all his children as well.
According to the care plan, when Rose arrived at James’ home, she was to:
·      Put a load of washing in the machine
·      Vacuum all the floors in the kitchen, lounge hall and bedroom
·      Clean the shower, bathroom sink and the toilet
·      Prepare lunch for James
·      Hang out the washing and do the dishes
1.    Is the case study set in a Home and Community Care environment?  Yes or No
2. Should Rose have vacuumed the floors as stipulated in the care plan or should she have respected James’ choice? Explain your answer.

3.  Should Rose use the bleach as it is the choice of the client or should she follow the policy of her employer? Explain your answer.

4.  Should Rose prepare a meal for James only or for his children as well? Explain your answer.

5. Should Rose ring her manager and report the situation and the issues that are arising? Explain your answer. What other reporting should Rose undertake?

Assessment 3 – Research Activity 1
 Visit this website ( and answer the questions that follow:
a.      What is the HACC Program?

b.      What are some of the services funded through the HACC programme?

c.      What does DVA stand for and who is it provided for? (

d.      What does CACP standard for? (