HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context

HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context

 Assessor is to use this cover sheet to record the results of all the assessments in this unit.
Assessment Tasks Outcome
HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context
Student ID:

Student’s Name:

Assessor’s Feedback

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student, along with the assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence. Please complete the table above.
Tasks included in Assessment
Satisfactory/ Not yet satisfactory
Re-submission Satisfactory/ Not yet satisfactory
Short Questions
Assessment 1

Scenario 1

Assessment 2

Scenario 2
Assessment 3

Scenario 3
Assessment 4

Assessor’s Feedback

Assessor’s name & signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………

HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context

To achieve a competent result for this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the assessment requirements listed below. Your trainer/assessor will give you the timelines when these assessments need to be submitted.

Assessments for this unit are as follows:
Assessment Number
Type of Assessment
Description and location
Assessment 1

Short Questions
These are found in this booklet  

 Assessment  2


There are four scenarios in this booklet. You are required to answer the questions that follow.
Assessment 3

There are two projects in this unit.

Assessment 1 - Short questions:
Instructions to the student:
Please read all the information given to you before answering. If you do not understand any of the questions, please ask your trainer/assessor for assistance.
You must answer ALL the questions in your own words.

  1. Make a list of the 10 major body systems and briefly explain the structure (what it is made up of), function (what it does) and location (where it is) of each. (See the first example given.)
Respiratory System
Nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi  and lungs

Supplies oxygen to the blood
Mainly head and chest

2.       List three ways we can maintain a healthy body.

  1.  Think of what you do in the course of a normal day. Can you think of five things that you do to maintain your body in a state of good health? You must also explain why you do these things. (For example, wearing sunglasses to protect eyes) 

4.      Name the five senses.

5.      The body regulates itself in a number of ways. Explain the following.
a)                How does the body maintain body temperature?

b)               How does the body eliminate wastes? Name two ways and explain each.

c)                How does the body regulate fluids? (e.g. absorption of water from the digestive system)

6.      It is important to understand the meanings of prefixes when dealing with anatomical terms as there are often common prefixes which will tell you the area of the body that the word belongs to.
Fill in the following table:
Relates to











Arthr- or arthro-



7.      How might knowing these prefixes assist you as a carer in residential aged care?

8.       What is a ‘cell’ and how many does the human body contain?

9.      There are three types of muscle tissue.
 a. Name each of these.

  b. Explain the purpose of each.

c. Where can each of these be found in the human body?

10.    What are three physical changes that occur in our bodies as we age? 

11.    The muscular skeletal system is made up of which components?

12.    As people age, their bones may become fragile and weak. What is this called?

13.    If a resident complains of pain in the chest, shortness of breath and dizziness, what might these symptoms indicate?

14.    The adult heart is approximately the size of a clenched fist. TRUE or FALSE

15.     The brain is divided into four lobes, all responsible for different human functions.  TRUE or FALSE   

16.    How many chambers does the heart have?

17.    The lymphatic system is responsible for:

18.   The main organs in the lymphatic system are:
a. spleen
b. bladder
c. tonsils
d. heart

19.    Choose the incorrect answer:
The prostate gland is:
a. part of the male reproductive system
b. a chestnut-sized structure surrounding the urethra
c. secretes a milky fluid which helps activate sperm
d. also found in the female reproductive system

20.   Choose the incorrect answer:
The female reproductive system includes:
a. bladder
b. ovaries
c. uterus
d. fallopian tubes

21.   What is the inner ear responsible for?

Assessment 2 – Scenarios
Read the following and answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
Georgina is an 89-year-old lady from New Zealand. She is coughing and needs to use an inhaler.
What is the body system that is being directly affected?  

Scenario 2
Boris has trouble swallowing his food. He needs to have his food modified (vitamised) so he does not choke.
What is the body system that is being directly affected? 

Scenario 3
Lucy has been having ‘accidents’ on the way to the toilet and needs to change into clean, dry underwear. 
What is the body system that is being directly affected? 

Scenario 4
Maurice has recently had a heart attack and is in danger of having a stroke.
What is the body system that is being directly affected? 

Assessment 3 – Projects
Project 1
Choose four of the body systems and consider their functions, possible age-related problems and diseases, and ways to assist older people to maintain health in these systems (within your job role).

1. Body system and associated organ


Possible problems related to age and diseases that may be seen in aged care

Ways to maintain health in older people in this body system

2. Body system and associated organ


Possible problems related to age and diseases that may be seen in aged care

Ways to maintain health in older people in this body system

3. Body system and associated organ


Possible problems related to age and diseases that may be seen in aged care

Ways to maintain health in older people in this body system

Project 2
Research the basic food groups and draw a ‘healthy food pyramid’. Provide an explanation for each section of the pyramid. You need to explain what kind of foods make up each section and how much of each food group is recommended (recommended daily intake).